Market America Hot Deals

Friday, June 17, 2011

Survey Says Market America Ranks 8th in Fastest Customer Service Poll

6 seconds, that’s the fastest time that one online retailer takes to respond to a customer.  Pretty remarkable, considering it probably took about 6 seconds to read this sentence.

In a recent article on Wallet Pop, they identified a number of top online retailers and their abilities to respond to customer inquiries in a timely manner.  Market America came in 8th for fastest customer service response times by phone.
Customer service is a key differentiator for a lot of Internet players.
STELLAService co-founder Jordy Leiser
While the ranking focused on email and phone interactions, not all customer service departments were created equal as you will see.

So tell us, how do you prefer to have your customer support inquiries answered, phone or email? Leave a comment below.

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