1. Market America Bar Code Scanning
Available for both the Android and iphone devices.On the home page of the application, there is now a scan icon button next to the telephone icon. Click on it, and the scanner will start. Place the phone over the barcode of the product you want to search for and, once found, our bar code scanner with record the scan and do a search for that product. If we have that exact product in our search, you will get results such as those pictured below. If we do not have it, we will recommend other products based on keywords. As a test, try scanning a hard cover book – we have many books in our library of searchable products.
2. Customized parter store notifications and push notifications for coupons and hot deals
Available for both the Android and iphone devices.Click on the Hot Deals Icon at the bottom of the ma Mobile application. At the bottom of the Hot Deals section, you will see a yellow-orange banner that will allow you to subscribe to store notifications when you click on it. You will be directed to a page showing all Partner Stores available through Market America. You can either scroll down through all 3000+ stores and turn "on" the stores you want to receive notifications from, or you can click the "A" tab at the top and choose from an alphabetical store list (the Android application allows you to search by store, but this feature is not available on the iPhone app yet). Once this process is finished, you and your customers will start receiving daily notifications of new Hot Deals and coupons available for only the stores you choose. It is like having your Portal customized to show you offers only from stores you shop at! Notifications are received like a text message without a corresponding noise — so they will alert you without disrupting your activities. Selecting the notifications will take you to the new deals for that company as well as to a coupon slider that allows you to slide through all offers by stores in your customized selection.
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